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NEW Program

Learn Your Best Development Productivity with Jmix

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We conduct a course after the group is recruited on a certain topic

● Entity types in Jmix

● Jmix framework annotations for entities

● Data store. Supported databases

● Multiple data stores. Referencing entities from different data stores

● Traits: Versioned, Audit, HasUUID, SoftDelete

● Key-value entities

● Entity states

● Database versioning. Liquibase Tool

● Non-standard data types (JPA converters)

● Entity Manager service. Usage and transaction management

● Entity graph for data fetch

● DataManager and EntityManager services. Similarities and differences

● Data Security and DataManager

● Data and Query Cache. Cache customization

● JPA callbacks

● Entity lifecycle events

● Optimistic and pessimistic locks

• Views in Jmix

• Opening Views – ViewsNavigation and DialogWindows APIs

• Routing and Navigation

• Notifications and Dialogs

• Background tasks

• Facets – non-visual view components

• Views extensions and working with view template

• Event Bus – global events in Jmix

• Lazy loading in views

• Styling • Layout rules

• Creating Custom Action class

• Creating UI components

● Preparing the application for deployment

○ Deployment checklist

● Execution profiles

● Types of artifacts for deployment

○ Fat Jar

○ War

○ Docker image

● Application runtime overview

○ Dedicated server

○ Container

● Application deployment options

● Ensuring fault tolerance

○ Application clustering

○ Database replication

● Application monitoring and diagnostics tools

● Roles - advanced topics

○ Scopes

○ Specific policies

● Data access restrictions

○ Application of restrictions

○ Overriding data access checks in business logic

● Anonymous access to the application UI

● Programmatic user management

○ Data model of users and roles

○ User creation

○ Role assignment

○ Implementing a scenario of user registration and activation

● Additional security features

○ System authentication

○ Authentication events

○ User substitution

● Accessing users in Jmix add-ons. UserDetails, UserRepository, UserManager

● External authentication services

○ Integration with LDAP and Active Directory

○ Integration with KeyCloak SSO

○ Login and registration via social networks (Google and GitHub)

• General information about add-on

• Component elements

• Raster layers and their sources

• Working with data

• Feature styling

• Cluster

• Heatmap

• Map interactivity

• Map projection

• Real-time data update

● Jmix report generator overview


○ Templates

○ Fetch data

● Report Wizard

● Creating a simple report

○ XLS format

○ DOC format

● Using Groovy to fetch data

● Displaying graphic files in a report

● Generating a Master-detail report

● Creating a matrix report

● APIs for working with reports

○ Standard Actions ○ Services

● Overview of the BPM component of the Jmix framework

● BPMN Specification for developers

● Create and execute a simple business process ● Process Variables

● Assigning users to tasks

● User task management

● Accessing Jmix data from the process

● Decision-making using DMN notation

● Various types of service tasks

● Development of process forms

● Use of different types of subprocesses

● Transactions in BPMN and asynchronous tasks execution

● Loops in BPMN and working with collections (multi-instance activities)

● Using BPMN messages and signals in processes ● Inter-process collaboration

● Process administration capabilities

● Using Jmix software components as part of business processes

● Handling business process execution errors ● Execution listeners in Jmix

● APIs for working with business processes

● Full-text search system architecture

○ Elastic search

○ The concept of a "document"

○ Indexes

● Integration with Jmix

○ Configuring an application

○ Starting indexing processes

○ Indexing data in a database

○ Indexing uploaded files

● Scaling the full-text search engine

● Types of charts used in the module

● Data binding

○ Data containers

○ Programming interfaces

● Event Handling

● Incremental refresh for datasets

● Features of the module for sending emails

● Customization

● Creating messages

○ Creating simple messages

○ Using templates

○ Creating attachments

● Administrative interface

● Program interface of the module

● Definition of multitenancy. Approaches to building multitenant applications

● Implementation in Jmix

● Data model design features

○ Shared data

○ Client data

● Administration of multitenant applications

○ User creation

○ Local administration

○ Authorization from URL

● Multi-tenancy module API

● Server-side testing

○ Rules for tests writing

○ JUnit

○ SpringBootTest

● Administrative interface testing

○ Selenide Library

● API testing

● BDD: using the Gauge Library

● Code refactoring capabilities

● Code generation (Intentions)

● Inspections

● Jmix Studio configuration

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Why choose this course

Ideal for

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Junior developers 

Junior developers will learn and be able to use (including for free) a tool to Construct full-stack web applications with Java and Jmix.

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Experienced developers

Experienced developers will discover a comprehensive platform with a wide range of useful functionalities: from creating simple Admin UI applications to large enterprise applications with complex data models, an integrated security subsystem, and available add-ons for popular business requests.
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Fast-track your learning Jmix and improve in the interested areas


If you are interested, please send us the request form below and we will inform you about the next course, its program and cost.